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2009年6月29日 星期一
2009年5月28日 星期四
2009年5月14日 星期四
Trey Snellings in his blog http://afterthoughts221.blogspot.com/ said
This is our last day in Taiwan. Tomorrow morning we leave for Tokyo. This has to be the saddest day I have seen in a long time. I came to Taiwan, not knowing what to expect. I was so looking forward to going to Tokyo, but now I find myself wanting to stay here in Taipei. I have had so much fun since I got here. I have met so many wonderful people. All the locals are so nice and helpful.
We're edging closer and closer to our departure from Taiwan. I'm going to miss Taipei so much. This city has an endless supply of sights, sounds, smells (sheesh some of the smells I could do without), and great people.
2009年5月8日 星期五
Happy Mother's Day
My Mother
You are pretty & extraordinary,
You wonder about my future,
You hear the pot sizzling with food,
You see me getting off the bus,
You want me to have a good education,
You are pretty & extraordinary.
You pretend to be in Taiwan,
You feel the love I give you,
You touch your children’s hearts,
You cry about sad news,
You are pretty & extraordinary.
You understand how I feel,
You say rules about manners,
You dream about your past,
You try to make me happy,
You hope to start a business,
You are pretty & extraordinary.
Your daughter Lynne Chen (4th Grade)
2009年3月27日 星期五
Invitation to Organizational Members to Join ICISA

The International Chinese Information Systems Association (ICISA) is a non-profit organization that commits to advancing the theory and practice of information systems. We promote the exchange of information and cooperation among our members and friends. ICISA is a professional academic organization established in 1992 and is dedicated to all information systems scholars worldwide. Our current members are distributed globally and we have member representatives located in the United States, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China.
In order to increase the reach and foster our missions, ICISA would like to invite your school to join the International Chinese Information Systems Association as an organizational member. The organizational membership fee is a nominal $100. The benefits of becoming an organizational member include:
· Receive copies of our official journal – the Communications of ICISA
· Member organizations will be featured on the ICISA web site
· Free announcement services to ICISA members and friends for news and updates about your organization
· Most importantly, the participation of your organization will enhance the collaboration between scholars at your institution and the external research community.
If you are interested, please fill out the attached membership enrollment form, and return it to Ivy Chen.
President, ICISA
Albert Huang, PhD.
Associate Professor of MIS
Eberhardt School of Business
University of the Pacific

International Chinese Information System Association
International Chinese Information Systems Association is a non-profit organization that commits to advancing the theory and practice of information systems, and to promoting the exchange of information and cooperation among its members.
2009 Officers
President: Albert Huang (
President-Elect: Charlie Chen (Appalachian State University, USA)
V.P. for Development: Charlie Chen (Appalachian State University, USA)
V.P. for Development: Ivy Chen
V.P. Information Technology: She-I Chang (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
Treasurer: Jeff Zhang (
Communications of ICISA Editor-in-Chief: Kuan-Chin Chen (Western Michigan University, USA)nt
Dr. Stephen Shih
Associate Professor, Ph.D. and Associate Director
Information Systems Technologies
Pennsylvania State University,1992
Office Location: ASA 103A
Phone: 618-453-7266
Dr. Chaiming Chang
Associate Professor
Tatung Institute of Commerce and Technology
Dr. Benjamin Yen
School of Business
The University of Hong Kong
Meng Wah Complex
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 2241-5668
Fax: (852) 2858-5614
Dr. Xiaobo Wu
School of Management
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou, 310058
P.R. China
Phone: (571) 8820-6803 duction
2009年3月26日 星期四
DSI 2009 (40th Anniversary) Annual Meeting Reminder
The submission deadline for refereed research papers is April 1st, which is
right away. Or, you can submit an abstract up until May 1st.
You can submit either a paper or abstract online at
We are still looking for volunteers to review one or more submissions, or to
serve as Session Chairs. If you have not yet volunteered and would like to,
goto: http://dsi.byu.edu/dsi/ and click on the volunteer link.
And, as a reminder, you can also check and update your personal information
online by going to the following link:
(That link contains your ID and PIN, which you should keep safe.) If you are
no longer affiliated with DSI, that web page will allow you to delete yourself
from the database.
Please contact your airline to make your flight arrangements to attend the
DSI 2009 Annual Meeting. Currently, many airfares are at an all-time low,
so please take advantage of this cost savings.
We very much look forward to your participation in the celebration of DSI's
40th Anniversary meeting.
Maling Ebrahimpour
Program Chair, DSI 2009
2009年3月18日 星期三
Faculty promotion and tenure approved by Appalachian’s Board of Trustees
Faculty promotion and tenure approved by Appalachian’s Board of Trustees
Posted March 20, 2009 at 12:23 pm · By ASU News
Filed under Appalachian Scene, Awards, Honors and Promotions, General, Today
BOONE—Forty-eight faculty have been granted promotions by Appalachian State University’s Board of Trustees.
Faculty promoted to the rank of associate professor and receiving tenure from the College of Arts and Sciences are Frank Berry, Philip Ardoin, Daniel Murphy, Adam Newmark, Elicka Peterson, Jari Eloranta, Vicky Klima, Katherine Mawhinney, Joel Sanqui, Adrian Daw, James Sherman, Sandra Gagnon, Amy Galloway and Todd McElroy.
Faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences who were promoted to full professor are Lynn Getz, W. Scott Jessee, Sara Greenwald, Timothy Huelsman, Elizabeth Davison and Kenneth Muir.
Receiving promotion to associate professor with tenure in the College of Fine and Applied Arts are Monica Pombo, Garner Dewey and Brian Raichle. Faculty promoted to professor are Gary Nemcosky, Margaret Yaukey and Sarah Jordan.
Laurie Semmes in the Hayes School of Music was promoted to associate professor and granted tenure. Robert Falvo and Priscilla Porterfield were promoted to professor.
Faculty from the Reich College of Education who were promoted to associate professor and receiving tenure are Kathleen Lynch Davis, Ann Marie Clark, Rose Matuszny, Kelly Clark-Keefe, Alecia Jackson and Robert Sanders. Those promoted to professor are Tracy Goodson Espy, Sandra Oldendorf, Karen Caldwell and Heather Clark.
Faculty from the Walker College of Business who were promoted to the rank of associate professor and receiving tenure are Mary Ann Hofmann, Charlie Chen, Tanga McDaniel, Chris McNeil and David Williams.
Faculty promoted to the rank of professor in the business college are Timothy Forsyth, Todd Cherry and James Stoddard.
Elizabeth Cramer in Belk Library and Information Commons was promoted to associate professor and granted tenure.
文章來源: http://www.news.appstate.edu/2009/03/20/faculty-promotion/
Dear Charlie,
Congratulations on your recent promotion to “Associate Professor” and
being approved for Tenure.
You have every reason to be proud of yourself for this accomplishment .